Represents a single parameter value of a job.
This model is needed when creating / updating a job with an existing job template.
Field |
Type |
Description |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Default Value (If Optional) |
Name |
String(200) |
The identifying name of the parameter |
M |
null |
Value |
String(MAX) |
The parameters value. |
O |
null |
Key |
String(MAX) |
The parameters key. This is used with dropdown-parameters and will contain the Key of the selected item. |
O |
null |
Variant |
int |
The variant of the parameter. You might be able to specify more than one version of a parameter, in that case use Variant=1, Variant=2, with the same Parameter Name (e.g. "FIELD1") |
O |
1 |
Contact |
A Contact model |
Only used with parameter type ="Contact". Can be set to create or update a contact. |
O |
null |
Location |
A Location model |
Only used with parameter type ="Location". Can be set to create or update a location. |
O |
null |
Full Definition
Additionaly the following specifications are needed, when a job is created without an existing job template.
Field |
Type |
Description |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Default Value (If Optional) |
Type |
String(20) |
The type of the parameters (see list below) |
M |
null |
Title |
String(100) |
The title (or the label) of the parameter. E.g. "Delivery Address" or "Working hours" |
M |
null |
DefaultValue |
String(100) |
The default value of the parameter on creation |
O |
null |
MinOcc |
int |
The minimum occurence of the parameter. If 0, the parameter is optional, if 1 at least 1 occurence is necessary. |
O |
0 |
MaxOcc |
int |
The maximum occurence of the parameter, must be greater than minocc. |
O |
1 |
Order |
int |
The order of the parameters |
O |
(original order) |
DataCollectionValues |
List of DataCollectionValues |
For type dropdown and multiselect, a list of possible values can be provided. |
O |
null |
UseAsJobTitle |
bool |
If true, the parameter is used as the jobs title. This can not be used with every parameter (e.g. an image parameter cannot be used as the jobs title) |
O |
false |
PageTitle |
String(30) |
For grouping the parameter into pages (tabs). Leave blank or null if not used. |
O |
null |
StatusTransitionTitle |
The name of the step, when the parameter has to be entered. This must match the status-transitions of the given process. Default transitions are: "Create", "Complete", "Cancel". When you add a parameter in transition "Create", means that this parameter must be entered, when the job is being created. |
M |
null |
HideOnOtherTransitions |
If set to true, the parameter is only visible on the step when it has to be entered. |
O |
true |
ForTemplateOnly |
bool |
If set to true, this parameter will only be created in the template, but not in the actual job. |
O |
false |
Settings |
List of Settings |
A list of settings for a given parameter type. The valid settings can be viewed in the list below |
O |
null |
Parameter Types
Type |
Description |
Additional settings |
Number |
A number - parameter with 2 buttons to increase / decrease. Can have a decimal point. |
Step (A number) Defines the step used when pressing the increase (+) or decrease (-) buttons on the mobile |
Contact |
Represents a Goana-contact |
ShowRemarks (true/false), if true, shows the remarks of the contact on the mobile ShowContactDetails (true/false), if true, shows the contact details of the contact on the mobile. |
Text |
A text field |
Lines (A number), number of lines of the text field. |
Dropdown |
A dropdown selection. The options to be selected are represented by a datacollection in Goana. |
DisplayValue (true/false) If true, not only the label of the selected datacollection value is being displayed but also the value. |
Boolean |
A checkbox |
Image |
A image (photo or gallery) |
File |
A file (can not be uploaded from mobile currently) |
Location |
An address |
Date |
A date and optionally also a time picker |
HasTime (true/false) If true, also the time can be selected. |
Signature |
A signature pad |
DropdownAndNumber |
A combination of a dropdown selection and a number. |
Step (number) Defines the step used when pressing the increase (+) or decrease (-) buttons on the mobile DisplayValue (true/false) If true, not only the label of the selected datacollection value is being displayed but also the value. |
DropdownAndTimeSpan |
A combination of a dropdown selection and a time span. |
DisplayValue (true/false) If true, not only the label of the selected datacollection value is being displayed but also the value. |
Multiselect |
Like the dropdown it uses a datacollection as a source of values. But more than one values can be selected. |
ImageUrl The url of an image which should be displayed above the multiselect ActionUrl The action e.g. a linked video when the user clicks the image. Must be a valid url. |
TimeSpan |
A time from 0:00 to 23:59 |
Barcode |
Actually a text-field, but has a button to scan a barcode on the mobile phone. |
Label |
Like the text field but not editable |
"Parameters": [ { "Name": "F1", "Value": "3" }, { "Name": "F2", "Value": null }, { "Name": "F3", "Value": "5038862232326" }, { "Name": "F4", "Value": null, "Key": "OptionA,OptionC,OptionF" }, { "Name": "F5", "Value": "01:00:00", "Key": "SelectionA" }, { "Name": "F6", "Value": "4", "Key": "SelectionA" }, { "Name": "F7", "Value": "04:00:00" }, { "Name": "F8", "Value": "http://localhost:59911/Job/GetParameterValueFile?jobKey=7d901dd9-9bde-4831-9636-b5b64aedb642&jobParameterId=3374&variant=1&key=A0738ACB175471A0EE688309FF253031312A52B1CD1BD357D5D7D9CFFC983ED7" }, { "Name": "F9", "Value": "2018-01-24T23:00:00" }, { "Name": "F10", "Location": { "Street": "Waisenhausplatz", "StreetNumber": "22", "Zip": "3011", "City": "Bern", "CountryIsoCode": "CH", "Latitude": 46.92099, "Longitude": 7.46475 } }, { "Name": "F11", "Value": "http://localhost:59911/Job/GetParameterValueFile?jobKey=7d901dd9-9bde-4831-9636-b5b64aedb642&jobParameterId=3374&variant=1&key=A0738ACB175471A0EE688309FF253031312A52B1CD1BD357D5D7D9CFFC983ED7" }, { "Name": "F12", "Value": "http://localhost:59911/Job/GetParameterValueFile?jobKey=7d901dd9-9bde-4831-9636-b5b64aedb642&jobParameterId=3375&variant=1&key=F6080E2DFA7A89BD09E1AF43DC36E954196610328D6DD75A852D645F83F474C8" }, { "Name": "F13", "Value": "True" }, { "Name": "F16", "Key": "934f1512-e13c-4acb-a17d-928cee06f4f5", "Contact": { "Reference": "934f1512-e13c-4acb-a17d-928cee06f4f5", "LanguageCode": "en", "Team": "Zürich", "Salutation": "", "CompanyName": "Acruex", "FirstName": "Byrd", "Name": "Peck", "Role": "", "DisplayName": "Acruex, Byrd Peck", "Remarks": "Excepteur nisi aute adipisicing aute id Lorem nostrud ad do est dolore. Cupidatat dolore qui ullamco Lorem laborum. Ut sit eu tempor incididunt sunt irure in proident. Sit pariatur ut irure labore dolor et fugiat elit dolore do sunt culpa Lorem eiusmod. Minim aliquip veniam sit ut sunt fugiat consectetur sit commodo do cupidatat qui pariatur. Ullamco anim nulla irure aliquip culpa ullamco incididunt reprehenderit. Laborum anim amet commodo aliqua.\r\n", "Location": { "Street": "Bristol Street", "StreetNumber": "32", "Zip": "7759", "City": "Berwind", "CountryIsoCode": "AT", "Latitude": 37.2799186706543, "Longitude": -81.6692962646484 }, "ContactDetails": [ { "Name": "Work", "Type": "Email", "Value": "", "IsPreferred": false }, { "Type": "Phone", "Value": "(991) 455-2007", "IsPreferred": false } ], "Tags": [ "Kunde" ] } }, { "Name": "F17", "Value": "Any text entered by the user" }, { "Name": "F18", "Value": "Corresponding Value A", "Key": "SelectionZ" } ]
Explanations for the above example
Parameter Name |
Type |
F1 |
Number, Value holds the entered number |
F2 |
Info - Field (Readonly thats why theres no value) |
F3 |
Barcode |
F4 |
Multiselect, contains the selected keys separated with a comma (,) |
F5 |
Dropdown and Timespan, contains the selection of the dropdown in the key field, and the selected time in the value field |
F6 |
Dropdown and Number, contains the selection of the dropdown in the key field, and the selected number in the value field |
F7 |
Timespan (UTC) |
F8 |
Signature, the value field contains the link to the image |
F9 |
Date and time (UTC) |
F10 |
Location, contains a Location model. |
F11 |
File, the value field contains the link to the file |
F12 |
Image, the value field contains the link to the image |
F13 |
Checkbox, either True or False |
F14 |
Contains a Contact, the key field holds the Reference field of the contact. |
F15 |
Text, Value holds the entered text |
F16 |
Dropdown, the Key field holds the selected key of the datacollection, the value field holds the value of the datacollection if present. (Value may be null) |