Represents a Goana user. A Goana user can either login on the device or on the backoffice (over
Field |
Type |
Description |
(M)andatory / (O)ptional |
Default Value (If Optional) |
String(200) |
A unique Email-Address | M | null |
DisplayName | String(100) |
The display name of the user | M | null |
Password | String(100) |
The users password to login. If not set, the user will receive an email to set it himself. | O |
null |
LanguageCode | String(2) | Language of the user or Api Language | O | Api-Users language |
PhoneNumber | String(100) |
Phone number | O | null |
IsBillingContact | bool | If true, this user will receive billing information from Goana. | O | false |
WorkAssignable | bool | If true, it will be possible to assign jobs to this user. | O | true |
Roles | List<string> |
A list of assigned backoffice roles. Can be none, one or multiple of the following: "Administrator", "BaseData", "Jobs", "JobReccurences", "Contacts", "JobsOverview", "Dahsboard", "Reports" |
O |
null |
Teams | List<string> | A list of assigned teams | O |
null |
UserAvatar | byte[] | byte array of avatar image | O | null |
{ "DisplayName": "travis", "Email": "", "PhoneNumber": "033 333 33 33", "Roles": [ "Administrator", "Jobs", "Dashboard" ], "IsBillingContact": true, "Regions": [ "Bern", "Zürich", "Basel" ], "Description": "The Boss!", "LanguageCode": "de", "WorkAssignable": true }